Wednesday 17 August 2016

Amy Clarke | Photography

Last week my best friend Amy flew over from Ireland to come and see me for a few days before uni and life continues again. We had been talking about doing a photography shoot together for months so we took this as a perfect opportunity to do exactly that.

It was so nice to see Amy again since I hadn't seen her since April at Vamps Tour Manchester.
This time was extra special as I had secretly planned for two of our other Vamps friends to surprise her. Myself, Amy and Molly came up with a master plan to tell Amy that Molly was at working at smiggle and that Amy was bed ridden with tonsillitis so they couldn't come, little did she know she'd be opening the door to them a few days later.

It was such a nice fews days and I miss it an awful lot, bring on Selena in November.

*Warning: there's 3 days worth of shoots here. We were hungover for a day hence why there isn't 4*

Day 1: Consisted of a Nandos mate date and walking down weird back streets taking photos. Since it was Amy's first shoot with me she needed to get used to being in front of the camera and I needed to work out how she works as a model and what angles work best etc. Day 1 was essentially chicken and a test shoot.

 Day 2: This was the big shoot day, we ventured around Leeds looking for locations and buying the last minute essentials for our big night on the town. We got so many funny looks from teenagers as we stood in the middle of the street to get the perfect shot, I also received a few looks from adults which made me feel like a real photographer, very hard to explain but very much real.

We managed to find the perfect location for the shoot we had in mind, it was on top of a bridge... kind of, not really. The main road in the background made for the perfect grey background with lights that perfectly complimented Amy. I was very thrilled.

Day 3: This was kind of an accidental shoot, I was carrying my Canon around with me all week because I never know when I might get the perfect location. There was I wall I really wanted to go to but it was in the middle of a very busy childrens park and although innocent it felt wrong so we opted out.
That being said we got some good shots in Horsforth Park. The photos from this day aren't my favourite and I think its because we couldn't get into the photoshoot mindset as the reason we were there is because we had gone to book our trip to Disneyland Paris in January. We had always said "one day we'll go to Disney together and it'll be great" but I don't think either of us expected it to happen so soon.

I think this is the most I've ever written on a photography post, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Until next time friends x


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