Wednesday 20 May 2015

5 Ways To Deal With Stress | Photography

So it's exam season, stress season, the season of tears, whatever you like to call it, so that only means one thing... tears.

If this is the case for you, I'm here to help!
Without further or do, here's 5 tips to stop you from stressing! No more stress spots, tears, breakdowns, just confidence.

1. Breathe, it's not the end of the world. 
There's many great people in this world who don't have straight A's yet have gone on to do amazing things, for example; Harry Styles.

2. Tidy space, Tidy mind.
Keep your work space and notes tidy. Random pieces of A4 paper spread across every inch of your bedroom isn't very useful, plus you're hiding that nice rug you got from Ikea last year.

3. Go to bed.
Ok so may don't do this one if it's 1 in the afternoon and you're bored. BUT Late night study won't help. It might be 2am and you've got all the energy in the world and all you want to do is a biology flow chart but don't, a good night sleep will be MUCH MORE beneficial than how many types of insect flash cards you can get through without breathing.

4. You know it.
Don't let the phrase "I don't know anything" get into your head because I promise you, you haven't gone through a  years worth of lessons and learnt nothing, it's in there, it just needs refreshing.

5. Make time for your friends.
Your friends are probably sat in their messy rooms, crying, with post-it notes stuck to every inch of their body, and in a colour scheme frenzy so go and spend some time with them! Take a well deserved study break and go for a walk, watch a film, go bowling, anything you choose this parts up to you.

If you have successfully completed all 5 steps you will be stress free, confident and ready to tackle any exam question that is thrown your way, oh and that'll be £5.99 please.

Myself and Ellie (blog) decided we need to take a well needed break, and get away from the bottomless spider diagrams and endless mood-boards and to go to the beach, catch up, take photos, sing as loud as we can and just spend some time away from our desks, books, wifi and just get some fresh air.



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